Meet Life Coach, Divorce Coach, NPD and HPD Abuse Expert, Yvette The Coach M.A., CMLC, CDC
Yvette The Coach — Yvette Williams, graduated with high honors, with a human services master’s degree in counseling and life coaching. As life coach, Yvette has been supporting and helping lives expand since 2007. Yvette The Coach’s specializations are: Narcissistic abuse and Histrionic Emotional Abuse Support and Recovery; Divorce and the Finances; and Financial Coaching. Yvette The Coach has become the go-to coach for breaking the traumatic bonds of narcissistic and histrionic emotional abuse as she is recognized as an expert in the area.
Having life-coached for several years, and then finding herself in a relationship that became debilitating and draining, Yvette The Coach became full aware of the histrionic narcissists that had been in and out of her life before; one of which was her mother. Once completing her master’s degree, she fully understood, and was able to put the personality disorder names, characteristics, and behaviors to the abuses she experienced. While Yvette was not the typical people pleasing personality type — ready to do service for a romantic partner — she was a very good listener, empathic, and sympathetic to those in pain; hence, attracting those who wanted to feed on her upbeat energy. Once she understood what was going on; that it was all about her leveling her, putting her in chaos, and in pain so she would be out of balance and not able to accomplish goals she aspired to, she was able to remove the disease from her life. If you are looking to be informed, skilled, and free of highly, manipulative and emotionally abusive relationships, you can get results with Yvette The Coach’s private confidential sessions, courses, packages, and her exclusive Emerging Phoenix Society membership. Go ahead and reach out to her and schedule your confidential session here. You will finally be heard and in the right place for narcissistic abuse support and recovery. Your “calm” is very close.
Yvette The Coach Notable Courses are:
- The Prosperity Course
- *Getting The Focus on YOU!
- Beating Narcissism
- Do You Truly Understand Gaslighting?
- How Did You Become the Target?

Getting The Focus On You!
One of the biggest hurdles after being sucked into a narcissistic abusive relationship, is turning the focus back on yourself — to know you deserve respect and dignity! To know fully that you deserve to be well and whole.
Getting The Focus On You! course gets you back to YOU! We all deserve to live a well life and you are no different.
Once you complete the course you will be eligible to join the Emerging Phoenix Society.
- You will fully process via completed steps you send to me
- Allowing yourself to be open to various wellness practices
- Exercises For Your Wellness
- Sneak Peak at the Exclusive Phoenix Society
- PLUS… the opportunity to join Yvette The Coach’s Emerging Phoenix Society
How Did You Become The Target? Video Training
A favorite video course, Yvette The Coach takes you on a tour of how the cycle of abuse shows up in your adult life.
How did the narcissistic abuser infiltrate your life?

What people are saying about Yvette
The Coach's work and mission

Do You Truly Understand Gaslighting?
Gaslighting can be such a complex abuse tactic to succinctly define in a few words. There are so many facets to it. It is used in a number of ways. It affects targets in many different ways. Most definitions fail miserably. Grasp it once and for all Here!
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