Yvette The Coach M.A., CMLC, CDC Master Life Coach, Narcissistic Emotional Abuse Expert & Certified Divorce Coach
Do you ever wonder if you are the only one in your socio-economic realm being abused?
I can tell you right now, YOU ARE NOT
Do you feel like the narcissistic NPD, HPD, BPD, emotional, gaslighting, manipulative, and controlling abuser in your world is an average person or are they a high-profile, upscale earner, in your community? Does everyone think this narcissist, this abusive person is somehow special, quite charming and more sophisticated, while you know they are the cruelest, most unkind, abusive, gaslighting, ego-maniac, often porn addicted, sex addicted, alcohol addicted, biggest monsters anyone could ever know? Your hair is falling out, your mouth is dry all the time, they deny you sleep that you so desperately need, they gaslight you until you are so exasperated you are ready to pull THEIR hair out! They coerce you for sex after they’ve said the most hideous things anyone has ever said to you, and then they arrange a fabulous vacation for the two or you or the family. They feel no remorse and will never hear you or understand your feelings. (Actually they do hear you and they do understand you. They just don’t care, but that’s another lesson).